Matchmaker to design & story.

All design tells a story.
But good design tells the right story.

Hi, I’m Sarah Potter. And I’m driven to telling the right story.

I am a Senior Art Director and Designer living in Atlanta, Georgia, on a mission to connect intention to everything I design. Whether I am creating for print or onscreen, for a brand or a campaign, my aim remains the same—to connect with the human on the other side of the design for increased impact and measured results.

  • Thinking in Systems

    Whether I’m designing a brand toolkit, organizing a digital pattern library, or coordinating my own home office, my brain functions in systems. Everything has a place—and I aim to put it there.

  • Speaking in Concepts

    Every design decision is backed with a reason. My “why” is even more important than my “what,” and I love to talk about it—because at the end of the day, everything I create should have a story to tell.

  • Dreaming in Details

    They say the devil’s in the details—but luckily, so am I. Attention to consistency, formatting, grammar, alignment and accuracy keeps my Round 1 looking and feeling as polished as my Final.

Some of my favorite questions.

Who is this for? How are they interacting with it? Why do they care? What are they supposed to do next? How should this make them feel? Is this the right medium? Is this the right story? Would I want to read it? Would I want to buy it? What makes it different? What makes us better? How might we prove it?

Print Design

Extensive experience designing for brochures, booklets, reports, mailers, sales kits, posters, trade show experiences, books and other collateral.

Digital Design

Extensive experience building wireframes, responsive web layouts, social and other paid media content, interactive eBooks, and visual presentations.

Brand Systems

Extensive experience designing logomarks, typography systems, color palettes, iconography and other visual tools for individuals, small businesses and enterprise-level organizations.


Experience with storyboarding and animation for short-form sizzles and longer-form explainer videos, along with Lottie animations for web.

Just a highly caffeinated designer who loves typography and cats.