Lyft Campaigns

Pink and playful, without the hassle of parking.

Campaign Strategy
Print Design
Experiential Design
Social Media Design

During a summer of multiple high-profile events happening all around Atlanta, Lyft aimed to capitalize on the events (and their utter lack of parking). By injecting the Lyft value statement through multiple platforms around Atlanta, we aimed to engage current and prospective customers with the Lyft brand (and get to their events a little easier).

In order to tackle a multi-prong approach through a variety of platforms, we created a series of micro campaigns involving print collateral, custom events around the city, and social media posts to spread the word about how Lyft can help you get to where you’re going, easier.

Though each micro campaign had a unique concept and CTA, each campaign stayed true to the overall tone and vision of the Lyft brand—to “Make Peace with Parking.”

The Great Atlanta Parking Pardon

Lyft is paying off your parking tickets—for one day only.

This campaign drove traffic (no pun intended) to a single spot in Buckhead, where visitors could have their parking tickets paid for via Lyft credits for a future ride.

The Great Atlanta Parking Pardon was scheduled on National Park(ing) Day—a nationwide event dedicated to promoting greenspaces in communities by swapping parking lots with community spaces—which further raised awareness of the Lyft ethos and value prop.

Lyft Lots

Lyft Lots—various decorated popups around Atlanta that took up exactly one parking spot—continued the awareness of National Park(ing) Day through the promotion of green spaces instead of parking spaces.

At these events, current and prospective customers could come for a popsicle, enjoy the sunshine, and take home awesome Lyft coupons for their next ride.


These faux parking tickets were bright and cheeky, with unique copy aligned with high-traffic events around Atlanta—such as the Peachtree Road Race, arts festival, or the park on a Saturday.

Though the non-tickets were left on cars around high-volume areas of Atlanta during key event times, tagged customers could relax knowing it was just a coupon for their next Lyft ride.

Social Media Graphics


Lion's Heart Brand System


DoGooder Brand System