Agency Sizzle Video

Telling an agency story in less than 60 seconds.

Video Storyboarding & Animation

As demand for video content across social media and other outlets continues to rise, the timeline runway from ideation to implementation continues to shrink. Our creative team saw this as a perfect exercise to test our own rapid responses—how quickly could we stand up a script, storyboard and fully animated sizzle video that tells our agency story in 60 seconds or less?

Beginning with nothing but brand colors, a copy doc and some icons, I set out to create simple frames with dynamic transitions, set to an upbeat, percussion-forward soundtrack. My goal was excitement, elements of surprise, and continuity. In less than 3 days (while working on other client projects by day), my sizzle was rendered and ready to share with the world.

Volume up.


DoGooder Brand System


PrimeRevenue Web Design